• 为什么你们要一起生活,一起生活的目的在那里?相反,它不在那里…做爱!不要让爱有这么多的想法?互相帮助?什么共同进步?什么......什么......说完所有的,还是围绕着性。
  • Joseon's most popular girl Hwang Jini. Her sensory and critical game starts now! In the middle of the Joseon times, Song-do's gisaeng Jini was skilled in painting and caligraphy. Unlike other gisaengs, she was also intelligent and well educated enough to be called the best out of the Best Three. Byeok Gye-soo is is a scholar who comes down from Hanyang to attend a ball. Unlike ...
  • 天使面容魔鬼身材相结合,有天然系少女之称的她变身性感甜心,热辣妩媚又不失甜美清纯
  • 在首尔近郊开了间民宿。从事服装业的丈夫经常出差。锅炉坏了,修了不到一天,又坏了。修理工嬉皮笑脸地递帐单,心情不好吵了一架。今天老公出差,锅炉又坏了。往本公司打电话,叫他们派其他修理工。 但来的还是那个嬉皮笑脸的修理工。因修理费问题在于,大操一顿,结果被修理工强奸。不敢报警,也不敢告诉丈夫。这种日子一日复一日。....不知不觉中开始想那个修理工了...
  • Joseon's most popular girl Hwang Jini.Her sensory and critical game starts now!In the middle of the Joseon times, Song-do's gisaeng Jini was skilled in painting and caligraphy. Unlike other gisaengs, she was also intelligent and well educated enough to be called the best out of the Best Three. Byeok Gye-soo is is a scholar who comes down from Hanyang to attend a ball. Unlike his rowdy friends, he has integrity and loves to be around nature. He hears about Jini and his friends get him caught up in a bet that he won't be seduced by her...